ホーム > くらし > 国際交流 > Municipal procedures and taxes/税と手続き > Notice for those Moving Overseas / 国外(日本以外の国)へ転出(住所を変更)するとき



Notice for those Moving Overseas / 国外(日本以外の国)へ転出(住所を変更)するとき

Notice for those Moving Overseas(PDF:42KB)


Procedures at City Hall

1.For persons with a notification card, "My Number" (Individual number) card, residence card

The card you possess will become invalid. It must be returned so please contact reception No. 6.
(Citizens’ Section: 0797-38-2030)

2.For children in elementary and junior high school

For details of Japanese textbooks for overseas, please make an inquiry to the Japan Overseas Education Services. (Phone: 06-6344-4318)

3-1.For those subscribed to the National Pension

If a Category I insured person (Students and self-employed persons etc.) leaves Japan, the person automatically no longer qualifies for the National Pension the day after the moving date notified.
However, if the person wishes to remain registered for the National Pension, voluntary subscription is possible.
If there is a cooperative person (family) in Japan, this person should carry out the necessary procedures at the pension division. If there is nobody (family) who can assist you in Japan, please contact the Nishinomiya Pension Office.

Continued voluntary subscription can increase the total amount of a person’s social security pension. Also, if certain requirements are fulfilled, disabilities or bereavements pension may be collected in the case of illness, injury, or death overseas.
(Citizens’ Section National Pension Inquiries: 0797-38-2036)

3-2.For those receiving a public pension

Please contact the pension office for inquiries regarding the National Pension, the Employee Pension, and the Sailor’s Pension. For mutual aid pensions please inquire at the mutual aid cooperative.
(Citizens’ Section National Pension Inquiries: 0797-38-2036)

4.For those receiving Child Allowance (excluding public service workers)

The recipient will no longer qualify for this allowance after the date stated for moving overseas. (The final provision of this allowance will be the same month as stated for moving.)
If a child/children will remain living separately in Japan certain procedures may also be required.
(Child-rearing Promotion Section: 0797-38-2045)

5.For those receiving Child-rearing Allowance

Please submit Loss-of-qualification Notice (documents showing that you are no longer being qualified) . The final provision of this allowance will be for the same month as stated for moving.
(Child-rearing Promotion Section: 0797-38-2045)

6.For those receiving Special Child-rearing Allowance

Please submit Loss-of-qualification Notice (documents showing that you are no longer being qualified) . The final provision of this allowance will be for the same month as stated for moving.
(Disability Welfare Section: 0797-38-2043)

7.For those receiving subsidized welfare and healthcare

If you receive a welfare/healthcare subsidy below, please return your medical card:
Disabled, Disabled elderly, Babies and small children, Children, Single-parent household, Pre-elderly (65-69 years old)
(Social Welfare Section Welfare & Healthcare Subsection: 0797-38-2076)

8.For those registered in the Medical Care System for the Elderly

Carry out withdrawal procedures (return of insurance card) and settle Latter-stage Elderly Care System Insurance expenses.
(Insurance Section Medical Care for the Elderly Subsection: 0797-38-2037)

9.For those subscribed to the National Health Insurance

Carry out withdrawal procedures (return of insurance card) and settle National Health Insurance expenses.
* Health insurance card cannot be used after the moving date notified.
(Insurance Section Insurance Subsection: 0797-38-2035)

10.For those enrolled in the Nursing Insurance

Return insurance card etc. and settle Nursing Insurance expenses.
(Senior Citizens’ Long-term Care Section Management Subsection: 0797-38-2046)

11.For those in possession of a motorcycle (125 cc or less) with an Ashiya City registration plate

Please cancel registration.
Necessary items: Registration plate, registration entry, seal
(Taxation Section Management Subsection: 0797-38-2015)

12.Resident Tax (If you have an address in Ashiya on January 1st of the year to move out)

  • If you have an address in Ashiya on January 1st you are subject to Resident Taxes of Ashiya City regardless of whether or not you currently live overseas. Register someone in Japan as your Tax Agent (nouzei kanrinin) who will receive notification of tax payment and oversee payment of the taxes due.
  • This procedure must also be carried out by those whose tax is deducted in advance from pay.
  • In some cases the invoice for payment may be provided in advance. For further details please contact the Taxation Section.

(Taxation Section Municipal Tax Subsection: 0797-38-2016)

13.Fixed Assets Tax (If you have any fixed assets in Ashiya on January 1st)

Submit Declaration of Tax Agent (nouzei kanrinin shinkokusho). If moving overseas, please select and register a person residing in Japan who will accept notification of tax payment etc. and act as a point of contact with regard to taxes.
For further details please contact the Taxation Section.
(Taxation Section Fixed Assets Tax Subsection: 0797-38-2017)



今持っているカードは使えなくなります。市役所 北館1階の6番窓口に返納届を提出してください。(市民課:0797-38-2030)


海外で使う日本語の教科書は「公益財団法人 海外子女教育振興財団」に確認してください。(06-6344-4318)


(市民課 国民年金担当:0797-38-2036)


(市民課 国民年金担当:0797-38-2036)








(地域福祉課 福祉医療係:0797-38-2076)


脱退(制度をやめる)の手続きをして、被保険者証を返してください。また、後期高齢者 医療保険料の精算(お金を計算してもらい、払ったり、受け取る)をしてください。
(保険課 後期高齢者医療係:0797-38-2037)


(保険課 保険係:0797-38-2035)


(高齢介護課 管理係:0797-38-2046)


(課税課 管理係:0797-38-2015)


  • 1月1日に芦屋市に住所がある人は、海外に転出してもその年は芦屋市に住民税を納めます。日本に住んでいて、納税通知書を受け取ることができる人を「納税管理人」として申請してください。
  • 今まで住民税が給与から引かれていた人も手続きが必要です。
  • 納付書を先に渡すことができる場合もあります。詳しくは課税課まで相談してください。

(課税課 市民税係:0797-38-2016)


(課税課 固定資産税係:0797-38-2017)

Issuing a Certificate of Residence / 住民票などの交付

  • Certificate of Residence (juminhyo) or Certificate of Seal Impression (inkan shomeisho) may be issued up until the day prior to the moving date.
    ・When requesting Certificate of Residence: please bring your passport.
    ・When requesting Certificate of Seal Impression: please bring your passport and your Seal Registration Certificate (inkan tourokusho).
  • You may not use certificate services at convenience stores using "My Number" (Individual number) card after registering a moving notification.
  • After the moving date, Certificate of Residence and Certificate of Seal Impression are no more available, but instead, Removed Residence Certificate (johyo) is issued.

  • 転出する予定の前日までは、住民票や印鑑登録証明書などを受けとることができます。次のものを市民課に持ってきてください。
  • 転出届を提出したあとは、コンビニでマイナンバーカード(個人番号カード)を利用して証明書を発行することができなくなる場合があります。
  • 転出する予定の日から、住民票の写しは除票(住民登録を消した記録)になります。また、印鑑登録証明書の発行はできません。

Cancellation of Moving Notification / 転出をやめたときの手続き

After the date stated for moving, the persons involved will be removed from Ashiya's registered residents. If plans to move overseas have changed, please cancel moving notice without delay (passport of all members are required).









Planning Department
Public Relations and International Exchange Section
International Exchange Subsection
Phone 0797-38-2008
FAX 0797-38-2152
