


Ashiya Municipal Hospital / 市立芦屋病院

Ashiya Municipal Hospital acts as a care hub, working in cooperation with local hospitals and care facilities.
A new ward was completed in 2012, and our other facilities were also refreshed. Our operating rooms and Gastroenterology Center feature safe, functional equipment. We also have a large, sunlit rehabilitation room, a dedicated Comprehensive Health Examination Center, a rooftop garden, and a convenience store.
We treat our patients’ opinions with the utmost importance, working hard to provide excellent medical care and healing.


Facility Overview / 施設概要

  • Ward Capacity: 199 beds
  • Diagnosis and Treatment Facilities:
    Internal Medicine, Hematology & Oncology, Gastroenterology, Diabetes & Endocrinology, Cardiology, Respiratory Medicine, Palliative Care, Neurology, Surgery, Gastrointestinal Surgery,Breast Surgery, Anorectal Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics, Ophthalmology, Ear Nose and Throat Clinic, Dermatology,Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Radiology, Anesthesiology, Pain Clinic, Rehabilitation
    * Underlined services are available in English.
  • Opening Hours: 9:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m.

1:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m. (for Internal Medicine and Pediatrics only)

  • Visiting Hours: 1:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
  • Non-Consultation Days: Saturdays, Sundays, Public Holidays, End/Start of Year Vacation (December 28–January 3)


  • 病床数(入院患者のベット数):199床
  • 診療科:
  • 診察時間:午前9時~11時30分


  • 面会時間:午後1時~8時
  • 休診日:土曜日・日曜日・祝日・年末年始(12月28日~1月3日)

Emergency Medicine / 救急体制

  • Emergency Internal Medicine/Surgery Services: 24 Hours, 365 Days
  • Pediatric/Children’s Emergency Services: Only available from 5:00 p.m. Saturdays to 5:00 p.m. Sundays


  • 内科・外科系救急 24時間365日、対応
  • 小児救急 土曜日午後5時~日曜日午後5時のみ対応

Access / アクセス

  • 20 min. by bus from JR Ashiya Station
  • 25 min. by bus from Hankyu Ashiyagawa Station
  • Car Park: 199 spaces
    * First 30 minutes are free. ¥100 every 30 minutes thereafter. Maximum daily fee is ¥1,600.
    *Outpatients and those dropping off/picking up patients can park for 2 hours free of charge.
  • Shuttle Buses (free of charge, do not operate on Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays)
    A shuttle bus is available that connects Ashiya Municipal Hospital, Ashiya St. Maria Hospital,
    Ashiya City Health and Welfare Center, and Minami-Ashiyahama Hospital.


  • JR芦屋駅よりバスで約20分
  • 阪急芦屋川駅よりバスで約25分
  • 駐車場:199台まで止められます。
  • ネットワークバスについて(料金は無料、土・日・祝日は運休)

【Timetable / 時刻表】(Japanese language only)

【Route map / 停車場所】

Characteristics / 特徴

Features of the new ward at Ashiya Municipal Hospital/新病棟の特徴

(1)Ample facilities and open, relaxed areas for care (these both provide medical attention for illness or injuries and allow our patients to rest) / 充実した設備と、広くゆったりとした療養(病気やけがの手当てをし、身体を休める)場所

Our renewal in 2012 has created comfortable spaces that provide privacy for our patients. Our wards have a calming environment, and we also have a large number of private rooms.
Each ward features a television, internet connection and refrigerator. Our paid private south-facing rooms include a toilet and shower, along with a dedicated card key, providing extra peace of mind for patients. We also have 7 special rooms. 


(2)Emergency Internal Medicine/Surgery Services: 24 Hours, 365 Days / 内科・外科系救急を24時間365日対応

We provide Emergency Internal Medicine and Surgery Services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We also provide Emergency Pediatric/Childrens’ Services from 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays to 5:00 p.m. on Sundays.


(3)A variety of medical services / それぞれの診療の内容

Our 23 departments feature staff who are experts in their respective fields, offering safe and reassuring medical care.

  •  Our Internal Medicine Department places particular focus on cancer therapy, palliative care, and adult onset disease. Our Gastroenterology Center provides examinations of all parts of the digestive tract. Our Cranial Nerve Center provides medical care for dementia.
  • The Surgical Department provides general gastroenterological surgery (for cancer of the digestive system, hernias, as well as hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery), breast surgery, pneumothorax treatment, and varicose vein surgery/treatment.
  • Our Obstetrics & Gynecology Department provides treatment for pelvic organ prolapses and female urological diseases, and laparoscopic surgery of benign growths such as uterine fibroids. (We do not provide childbirth services.)
  • Our Orthopedic Surgery Department performs general orthopedic surgery, as well as laparoscopic surgery of knee joints, artificial joint surgery, therapy for bone loss, and rehabilitation.
  • Our Ophthalmology Department provides general eye examinations and cataract surgeries.

If you have a problem but are unsure of which department you should speak to, please visit our medical consultation room first.



  • 内科は、「がん治療」「緩和ケア」「生活習慣病」に力を入れた診療を行っています。消化器センターでは全ての消化管の検査に対応できます。脳神経センターでは認知症の診療を行っています。
  • 外科は、一般消化器外科(消化器系がん・ヘルニア・肝胆膵など)、乳腺外科、気胸、下肢静脈瘤などの手術・診療を行っています。
  • 産婦人科は骨盤臓器脱や女性泌尿器疾患、子宮筋腫などの良性腫瘍の腹腔鏡手術に力を入れた診療を行っています。【※分娩は行っていません。】
  • 整形外科は一般整形外科診療に加えて、膝関節内視鏡や人工関節手術、骨粗しょう症治療、リハビリテーションを行っています。
  • 眼科は、眼科全般の診療に加え、白内障手術に対応しています。


(4)Palliative Care / 緩和ケア

Our palliative care ward features 24 rooms. The palliative care ward is designed for cancer patients. It aims to ease both their physical and spiritual strain and provide them with comfort.
All rooms are private rooms, and there are also separate family rooms and a salon. During time spent in palliative care, patients will be cared for by a team of palliative specialists including doctors, certified nurses, certified pharmacists, and clinical psychologists.
Please contact our regional coordination office for more information about palliative care.


When Receiving Outpatient Care / 外来を受診するとき

  • Please come to the initial diagnosis reception desk on the 3rd floor of the Outpatient ward.
  • If you have any letters of introduction from other medical facilities, please present them at the reception desk.
  • The Ear Nose and Throat Clinic, Dermatology, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, and Pain Clinic are not open every day. Please confirm their opening hours ahead of time.


  • 外来棟 3階 初診受付の窓口へきてください。
  • ほかの医療機関からの紹介状を持っている人は窓口に提出してください。
  • 耳鼻咽喉科、皮膚科、形成外科、ペインクリニック内科は、診察をしていない曜日があります。受診する前に、必ず確認してください。

Inquiries / 問い合わせ

Ashiya Municipal Hospital 0797-31-2156

市立芦屋病院 0797-31-2156






Planning Department
Public Relations and International Exchange Section
International Exchange Subsection
Phone 0797-38-2008
FAX 0797-38-2152
